Media coverage
Carnage - environment groups declare war on government over habitat clearing, Newcastle Herald, MAY 2 2024
NatureNSW Alliance for Nature released this joint statement on May 1st urging “…the Minns government to look past the outdated narrative … and to a future for regional NSW where healthy ecosystems form the basis of flourishing regional economies”
Hunter Community Environment Centre coordinator Johanna Lynch said the region's environment and communities were already paying a high price for the housing and renewable energy infrastructure boom, and even more biodiversity could be lost if environment protection laws are not urgently updated.
Delays to urgent reform of NSW laws allowing rampant bushland loss
Tag @chrisminnsmp @tara.moriarty @pennysharpMLC in your posts
Hunter Offshore Wind
Environment protection and community consultation key to offshore wind success, Newcastle Herald, February 2 2024
"The reform of Australia's national nature protection laws that will strengthen up front protections for wildlife and habitat, and enshrine a fair say for the community in the assessment and decision making processes are urgent," Hunter Community Environment Centre, coordinator Johanna Lynch said.
Coal-ash waste: pollution & recycling in NSW
Czech billionaire Pavel Tykac poised to buy Delta Electricity, Vales point power station, Chain Valley coalmine from Trevor St Baker, Brian Flannery, By Michael Parris, Newcastle Herald, September 18 2022
“HCEC welcomes the listing of the Kerosene Vale ash dump under the Contaminated Lands Act by the NSW EPA, as it empowers them to appropriately remediate a hazardous waste site and protect surrounding water ways.
In light of the listing and requirement to remediate Kerosene Vale, the HCEC expect to see a marked improvement in the water quality of Sawyers Swamp Creek, which receives drainage from the Kerosene Vale ash dump.
The listing of Kerosene Vale ash dump will require NSW Treasury to re-evaluate its $2.2 billion contingent liability for the remediation of all formerly publicly-owned power station sites in NSW.
We are interested in the implications of this listing for ash dumps in Lake Macquarie and the Hunter, and will be watching closely the response of Origin, Delta and AGL to the EPA request to review their reporting requirements under the Act.”
“The manufacture of lightweight construction materials from recycled coal-ash will provide jobs for coal regions and immediately begin reducing pollution from NSW biggest waste stream.”
Eraring ash dump, 2020
Paul Winn of HCEC comments on NSW Government response to coal-ash inquiry recommendations, ABC Newcastle, September 24, ABC Breakfast (1.27.55mins)
Paul Winn of HCEC comments…, ABC Newcastle (3:49mins)
Gary Blashke of CCA comments on NSW Government response to coal-ash inquiry recommendations, ABC Radio National, September 24. ABC Central Coast (Skip to 2:16:20mins)
Coal ash dams: researcher Dr Ingrid Shraner argues innovative industry in the Hunter and Central Coast could open new markets and job opportunities, Newcastle Herald, 25/04/2022
Hunter Community Environment Centre, Environmental Justice Australia slam government's response to coal ash inquiry recommendations, Newcastle Herald, 20/09/21
"While it's welcome news the NSW EPA will complete an investigation into the full extent of coal-ash impacts, the issue of site decontamination and the government's liability has not been addressed."
Newcastle Herald, April 26 2022.
Coal Ash Public Meeting in Lake Macquarie, NBN News, 02/21
Environment groups say study should be extended to cover all of NSW, December 2020
NSW coal ash dams need better regulation, say environment groups, Oct 17 202ABC Newcastle
ABC News report: “Power Pollution”, Oct 16, Ben Millington
Call to tighten limits on water pollution from Hunter Valley power stations, Newcastle Herald, 9/08/20
Hunter Community Environment Centre floats plan for coal ash dumping levy, Newcastle Herald, 14/07/20
Plans unveiled for $52m Bayswater power plant upgrade,ABC Newcastle 13/07/20
Politics, not lack of technology, is holding back climate change action, says Hunter summit speaker, Newcastle Herald, 20/01/2020
Independent Planning Commission urged to hold public meeting into Eraring Ash Dam, Newcastle Herald, 25/11/2019
Crabs in Lake Macquarie contaminated with 'unhealthy' levels of cadmium, ABC News, 11/04/2019
Crabs in Lake Macquarie contaminated with 'unhealthy' levels of cadmium, ABC News, 11/04/2019
State government has no plans to remediate coal ash pollution at Vales Point and Eraring power stations — Newcastle Herald, 10/07/19
Lake Macquarie MP Greg Piper calls for apology from Origin Energy over Myuna Bay Sport and Recreation Centre closure — Lakes Mail, 08/06/2019
Lake Macquarie MP Greg Piper starts petition to have Myuna Bay Sport and Recreation Centre reopened after NSW Office of Sport closure — Newcastle Herald, 01/04/2019
Myuna Bay Sport and Recreation Centre to close after review of Eraring power station's ash dam — Newcastle Herald, 29/03/2019
A report revealing no-one should regularly eat mud crabs from Lake Macquarie demands a comprehensive response, says influential MP — Newcastle Herald, 03/03/2019
Dangerous levels of cadmium in Lake Macquarie marine life — ABC radio, 11/03/2019
An internal government agency report raises serious concerns about the health of Lake Macquarie — Newcastle Herald, 11/03/2019
Coal ash has become one of Australia's biggest waste problems — and a solution is being ignored — ABC News, 10/03/2019
ABC News Special report: Out of the Ashes — ABC News, 10/03/19
The man who bought Vales Point power station from the NSW Government for a song has new plans for the site — Newcastle Herald, 23/01/2019
Environmental group slams watchdog after second Hunter power station coal ash problems — The Herald, 17/01/2019
Biodiversity conservation in Newcastle and the Hunter
Thousands of hectares of land in the Hunter Region have been cleared for urban development infrastructure in recent years, Matthew Kelly, May 3 2022
Environmental groups protest against Eden Estate on the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie proceeds, Matthew Kelly, Newcastle Herald, April 10 2022

Offshore gas exploration: PEP11
The HCEC is a founding member of the Protect Our Coast Alliance, working to contest offshore gas exploration & extraction in our beautiful coastal waters and marine ecosystems
Federal Government announces its intention not to renew Petroleum Exploration Permit 11 (PEP-11), Newcastle Herald, February 2022
Advent Energy lodges application to drill for gas off Newcastle's coast, Feb 4, 2020
Novocastrians gather on Newcastle beach in 2021