Please note, as of May 2023 this page does not reflect a contemporary list of HCEC’s submissions to date.
Get in touch to request a copy of recent submissions.
Hunter Transmission Project - Preliminary Route
Critical state significant project proposal from Energy Co. for a new above-ground 500 kilovolt (kV) transmission line totaling 115 kilometers between Bayswater power station in the Upper Hunter and Eraring power station on the southern shores of Lake Macquarie, to connect existing 500 kV transmission lines.
Scheduled for completion in 2028 the HTP will transport energy generated from the New England and Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zones to homes and businesses in the Hunter, Sydney and the Illawarra.
On 20 November 2023, the HTP preliminary corridor went on public exhibition via NSW Planning Portal.
NSW Coal Fired Power Station Environmental Protection Licence Review 2023
In October NSW EPA CEO, Tony Chappel and senior staff attended a meeting in Chain Valley Bay to hear from representatives of HCEC, Future Sooner, Community Environment Network and the Coal-ash Community Alliance as part of a 5 week community consultation for the 2023 statutory review of NSW power stations Environmental Protection Licences.
See our presentation to the NSW EPA on our submission here.
103 written submissions and 55 online survey responses were made to the review. HCEC and CCA collected an additional 100 signatures in support of the following key asks from local community members over the consultation period:
Safe, beneficial recycling of coal ash waste dumped in unlined dams amounting to well over 100 million tonnes contributing to extensive metal/metalloid contamination;
Full rehabilitation of contaminated land, water and ecosystems including the replenishment of fish stocks and complete restoration of fish habitat (seagrass meadows) in Myuna and Wyee Bays most affected by thermal pollution;
Installation and operation of best practice plant equipment to reduce air, water and land pollution and avoid preventable environmental damage and to improve worker safety;
Improved frequency and transparency of environmental sampling and monitoring data, including publication of point-source air pollution data in real-time and increased reporting frequency for water contaminants at the outlet including chlorine and mercury;
The establishment of a Community Consultative Committee for Delta Electricity's Vales Point power station.
As of May 2024, the NSW EPA have introduced administrative changes to NSW CFPS licences to reflect the outcomes of the review with substantive changes to come.