Our campaign to #CleanUpCoalAsh started in 2018 with a water sample from Lake Macquarie
The coal-ash waste dumps in NSW are all unlined and have been found to be leaching harmful heavy metals into nearby waterways including Lake Macquarie, Lake Wallace and waterways in the Upper Hunter. Bio-accumulation of heavy metals in the bodies of aquatic species has been documented.
To protect our marine environments and reduce coal-ash pollution, we must Clean Up Coal Ash
In 2018, we began our investigation into the environmental impacts of coal-fired power stations, and the approximately 216 million tonnes of dumped coal-ash waste on NSW waterways and aquatic ecosystems.
Through meetings, events, skill-shares and more we have been working with communities in coal-energy regions to understand and expose pollution impacts, improve ash-management practices and make sure the NSW EPA, power station operators, the NSW Government and emerging industry will clean up coal-ash and decontaminate coal-ash waste sites for the benefit of biodiversity and future generations.
Read our detailed investigations into the environmental impacts of coal-ash waste in NSW here:
Campaign Objectives
Protect the Lake Macquarie ecosystem and species by reducing the volume of coal-ash leachate entering waterways
Support an increase in the safe & beneficial reuse of coal-ash in NSW, to remove large volumes from near water bodies, food-sources & populations
Make the full & comprehensive remediation and revegetation of sites contaminated from coal-ash dumping possible