Action, learning and connection await

March in March for Forests
On Sunday 23 March, we will be marching in the streets in our thousands with one clear demand: end native forest logging!
This is the grand finale of our four nationwide mobilisations planned before the federal election — a crucial moment to show politicians that we won’t stand for the destruction of native forests.
With 70% of Australians backing an end to native forest logging, let's send a bellowing call to all candidates to listen to their voters, follow New Zealand's lead and protect native forests. For wildlife, climate and communities.
Head over to March in March for Forests to register your attendance.

Rally for Native Forests
Come to the Rally for Native Forests. Hosted by local environmental groups supporting the Bob Brown Foundation's nationwide rally to save Australia's forests. Signs and banners supporting the cause are welcome. There will be guest speakers and live musical entertainment.
RSVP through our Facebook Event.
Citizen Science Day #4, Wyee Bay
Join us to gather data on temperature, seagrass cover and check up on the habitat in Wyee Bay.

PUBLIC MEETING: ‘Power station closures - what next for Hunter workers and environment?’
NSW power stations are both big employers and big polluters. The impending closure of Liddell next year in 2023, and Eraring in just three years in 2025, is cause for renewed discussion and planning at a community level to ensure the needs of people and the environment are heard and met by both power station operators and the NSW Government. The environment centre will host two public meetings in September 2022 focusing on the opportunities for environmental decontamination, local jobs and investment which could be underpinned by a proposal for a new coal-ash waste recycling industry.

PUBLIC MEETING: ‘Power station closures - what next for Lake Macquarie workers and environment?’
NSW power stations are both big employers and big polluters. The impending closure of Liddell next year in 2023, and Eraring in just three years in 2025, is cause for renewed discussion and planning at a community level to ensure the needs of people and the environment are heard and met by both power station operators and the NSW Government. The environment centre will host two public meetings in September 2022 focusing on the opportunities for environmental decontamination, local jobs and investment which could be underpinned by a proposal for a new coal-ash waste recycling industry.

Citizen Science Day #3: Lake Mac Seagrass
Join the Hunter Community Environment Centre's third citizen science day on Lake Macquarie to take part in our on-going investigations into the environmental impacts of coal power on the lake system and biodiversity. This year’s citizen science mission is all about seagrass!

Toxic Habitat: Briefing
Join the online briefing and discussion of key findings arising from the environment centre’s latest report on the impacts of coal fired power station pollution. What can be done for water birds including Cormorants and Black Swans, living in coal contaminated habitat? How can we make sure that coal power pollution is not left to languish and leach after power station closure?

2022 GALA DINNER FUNDRAISER & Squirrel Glider Art Exhibition
Our first fundraiser since 2019 - we hope you can join us for our annual Gala dinner
PUBLIC MEETING: Link Rd Rezoning
Join the Public Meeting to protect threatened species
Join this urgent public meeting to hear from speakers about the biodiversity values & essential corridor features of this site, and to take action to protect native threatened species habitat from harm
Read more on the Link Rd Rezoning here
600 hectares of bushland in Wallsend stretching to Minmi is up for rezoning by the Newcastle City Council later this year.
As well as being an essential corridor, linking Newcastle and East Lake Macquarie/the Watagans for arboreal species, this site contains habitat, breeding and foraging grounds for fifty threatened flora and fauna species, including Squirrel gliders, Powerful and Masked owls, a range of native bats, the Swift Parrot, Koalas, Eagle, rare orchids and the threated Black-eyed Susan.
The immense pressure facing biodiversity across the two LGA's and the density of threatened species that will be impacted renders this rezoning for development in-appropriate and we are calling on the Hunter community to stand up for our species.

Thermal Pollution Impacts on the Lake Mac Ecosystem: New report
Online briefing on a new report about the impact of thermal pollution on Lake Macquarie from HCEC
Lake Macquarie Citizen Science Day
Join us to collect sediment for analysis & photograph seagrass in Lake Mac!

Sunday bushwalk: Cardiff
Come to Cardiff bush with us to survey frogs, squiz some squirell glider footage and learn what can be done to oppose the development of this beloved bushland and habitat

May Day with Hunter Jobs Alliance members
May Day celebrates the achievement of unions in progressing workers rights. Join us and other affiliates of the Hunter Jobs Alliance in this years May Day March.

Coal Ash: Campaign Update and Planning
Working together to Clean Up Coal Ash in Lake Mac & the Central Coast

Coal Ash Public Meeting
Join the big public meeting in February 2021 to hear about solutions to coal ash pollution from speakers and obtain commitments from the NSW Government about policy and planning to #CleanUpCoalAsh.

Lake Macquarie Briefing: NSW coal-ash report
Join us for this special briefing session on our NSW coal-ash report, and the Lake Macquarie & Central Coast findings.

#CleanUpCoalAsh Zoom meeting
Join Tayla & Naomi for a run-down on the coal-ash campaign and how to get involved

Open Forum
Join the Open Forum via Zoom for campaign updates, to connect with the Newcastle and Hunter environment movement and learn how to get involved with the many projects and people that comprise it.
Register to attend here >>> https://forms.gle/WsYpMstSeD253cRL9

Open Day
We invite you to the centre to learn about our ethos and ways to contribute to vibrant, grassroots campaigns to protect our beautiful region in 2020.

Bird Feather Hunt
We're going kayaking on Lake Macquarie to collect bird feathers for toxicological analysis - can you come on a feather hunt with us?

Power & Pollution Summit
Power & Pollution: National Community Summit, February 2020, Lake Macquarie, NSW.
Over the weekend of February 8-9 2020, the Power & Pollution Summit will take place at the scenic Point Wolstoncroft Recreation Centre, right on Lake Macquarie home of the Vales Point and Eraring coal-fired power stations.